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Mayo Clinic Refuses To Accept Medicare. What Happens To ObamaCare When The Doctors Refuse To Accept The Low Government Pay?

ObamaCareSymbolThis is the second time I have written about this same subject.

Obama has used the Mayo Clinic as an example of a place that does it right.

“And that the measure of the quality of care is not quantity, but whether or not it is making you better. Now, what we’ve seen is that there’s some communities and some health systems that do this very well. Mayo Clinic, a classic example. In Rochester, Minnesota. People go there. They– spend about 20-30 percent less than some other parts of the country, and yet have better outcomes.”  –  ABC News

Once again, the guys who do it best show that ObamaCare is a disaster.

Here is my big concern.  When the doctors stop taking Medicare and ObamaCare, what will the liberals do?  They can pass laws forcing doctors to accept them or drastically raise prices that they pay doctors.  More than likely they will force it.

But for now, the Mayo Clinic told Medicare to go away.


Mayo says the U.S. government does not pay enough to cover the cost of care.

More than 3,000 patients eligible for Medicare, the government’s largest health-insurance program, will be forced to pay cash if they want to continue seeing their doctors at a Mayo family clinic in Glendale, northwest of Phoenix, said Michael Yardley, a Mayo spokesman. The decision, which Yardley called a two-year pilot project, won’t affect other Mayo facilities in Arizona, Florida and Minnesota.

Obama in June cited the nonprofit Rochester, Minnesota-based Mayo Clinic and the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio for offering “the highest quality care at costs well below the national norm.” Mayo’s move to drop Medicare patients may be copied by family doctors, some of whom have stopped accepting new patients from the program, said Lori Heim, president of the American Academy of Family Physicians, in a telephone interview yesterday.

“Many physicians have said, ‘I simply cannot afford to keep taking care of Medicare patients,’” said Heim, a family doctor who practices in Laurinburg, North Carolina. “If you truly know your business costs and you are losing money, it doesn’t make sense to do more of it.”

Previewing ObamaCare; Mayo Clinic Stops Accepting Medicare Patients

  1. annfoer
    January 1, 2010 at 3:37 pm

    I live in one of the poorest sections of the United States with the second highest Medicare costs.
    Yet, there is a medical equipment store in every strip mall, doctors live in luxurious houses, and the largest hospital in the area (for profit) has just paid 26 million $ to the government in fines because of fraud. (In one case, $8,000 per month rent -to a doctor owner- on an office which had dirt floors.) Maybe Mayo in Arizona has refused Medicare, but doctors and hospitals in our area are making big $ when most people here are on Medicaid or Medicare. Mayo in Jacksonville, Fl. seems to be doing well on Medicare, although they do not accept Medicaid. There must be a way to become rich, maybe on fraud. The Rio Grande Valley of Texas (McAllen) seems to be doing well, all for profit hospitals in our area and more to be built if doctor owned hospitals are allowed. Don’t tell me about poor starving doctors; they are alive, well, and rich in our very poor area. Some do complain even though they make a million+ $ They just want more. The ones who really care and treat all segments of the area do not complain about Medicare and Medicaid. I know several in our area who started a doctor owned hospital and are now making $60,000+—that is per month—on the hospital alone. There hospital is SO unsuccessful (?) that they are trying to start another one nearby; that doesn’t make sense if they are losing money on Medicare. Let’s get the whole story out there; maybe all these doctors in rich areas can come here and make millions. I don’t begrudge doctors big $ because they work day and night; I just don’t approve of their complaining about taking the government’s money when they have both hands out.

  2. April 12, 2010 at 3:34 pm

    I have been a patient at the Mayo Clinic in MN & Fountain Hills, AZ. Mayo has never accepted Medicare.

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