Home > News > Reuters Once Again Caught Using Modified Pictures To Push Anti-Israel Agenda, Denies Political Motive. Yeah, right.

Reuters Once Again Caught Using Modified Pictures To Push Anti-Israel Agenda, Denies Political Motive. Yeah, right.

Ok.  You look at these two pictures.  Now add articles about how the “peaceful activists” were attacked.  So, does the fact that the “peaceful activists” are armed with knives change the impression for you?

Far from the first time Reuters did stuff like this.

Cropped Image-Reuters 1_doomsday_604x341

The British-based Reuters news agency has been stung for the second time by charges that it edited politically sensitive photos in a way that casts Israel in a bad light. But this time Reuters claims it wasn’t at fault.

The news agency reacted to questions raised by an American blogger who showed that Reuters’ photo service edited out knives and blood traces from pictures taken aboard the activist ship Mavi Marmara during a clash with Israeli commandos last week. Nine people were killed and scores were injured in the clash.

Well, what do they have to say for themselves?

“The images in question were made available in Istanbul, and following normal editorial practice were prepared for dissemination which included cropping at the edges," the news agency said in a statement. "When we realized that a dagger was inadvertently cropped from the images, Reuters immediately moved the original set as well."

Oh, so it’s normal to crop the edges?  I do see both sides are cropped, even though the most important part is cropped out.  So, I guess its a normal mistake…  ummm…  So explain this one:


In this one, the only cropping done was to hide the knife and the blood on the railing.  Of course, Reuters hasn’t commented on that yet.

If you have any questions about Reuters and their photographic integrity, go visit http://zombietime.com/reuters_photo_fraud/

As a little taste, enjoy the photoshopped goodness that is Reuters “reporting”


Original is on the left, if you can’t figure it out on your own.  And if you can’t, you are either a Dem or blind… redundant, right?

h/t to Zombietime

FOXNews.com – Reuters Admits Cropping Photos of Ship Clash, Denies Political Motive

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