
Archive for January, 2010

The Jawa Report: "Organizing for Obama" Cult Propaganda Passed Out in Public High Schools?

January 31, 2010 Leave a comment

obama_obey3Yes, this is disturbing.  It’s called propaganda.

If it’s not a prank, it’s very disturbing.

Funny. I don’t recall the "Organizing for Bush" program, nor do I recall its propaganda being passed out by teachers in public schools in an effort to "get ’em while they’re young."

Any Obamabots want to explain how this kind of thing uncovered by Pam at Atlas Shrugs is really a non-issue and that it should continue? I’d love to hear more explanations from the supporters of America’s worst President of why this creepy cultish nonsense has any place in the public education system.

Let’s hear it. I’m sure their is a "good explanation" for government-sanctioned cult worship of the Dear Leader.

The Jawa Report: "Organizing for Obama" Cult Propaganda Passed Out in Public High Schools?

Obama’s Budget For Next Year INCREASES Spending By 6%

January 31, 2010 Leave a comment

Why am I not surprised?

President Obama will unveil his budget proposal for next year– It includes a 6% increase in spending over last year.
The New York Post reported:

President Obama is to unveil tomorrow a $3.8 trillion budget proposal — a 6 percent increase over last year, according to a published report.

The proposal will include $25 billion for struggling states and provide funding increases for programs at the Department of Energy, the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation and the Census Bureau.

Obama tripled the US national deficit his first year in office.

It was historic.

Is it really that surprising then that most Americans don’t trust this president’s assertions about the economy?

Gateway Pundit

Moonbattery: Chairman Zero Concedes that he Lied

January 30, 2010 Leave a comment

obama_liarNo way.  Obama lied?  I am shocked…  SHOCKED.  Oh, wait.  No I’m not.  Never mind.

Last summer, PBO and his sycophants repeated over and over again the line that their health care take over would not put the government between people and their doctors. Yesterday, as he met with Republicans and took questions, he conceded that the actual bills gave lie to that promise.

We said from the start that it was going to be important for us to be consistent in saying to people if you can have your — if you want to keep the health insurance you got, you can keep it, that you’re not going to have anybody getting in between you and your doctor in your decision making. And I think that some of the provisions that got snuck in might have violated that pledge.

Now, he tells us. It only took a year of Republicans and Tea Party Patriots sticking to our guns that wrought that concession out of him; if it had been up to him, a bill containing those very provisions would have been signed into law last August.

Obama and his gang rode into Washington with the idea the Chicago style politics coupled with his Messianic charisma and gigantic majorities in Congress meant they could roll right over the Republicans. However, it turns out some ideas are so powerful that even a weakened minority that embraces them can overcome the steamroller will and superior numbers of the majority. Freedom is such an idea.

Moonbattery: Chairman Zero Concedes that he Lied

Hot Air » Blog Archive » Post-SOTU poll shows disbelief among most voters on Obama claims

January 30, 2010 Leave a comment

Obama-Liar-LiarIt’s good to see that most people don’t believe his lies.

Did Barack Obama sell Americans on his claims of progress in Wednesday night’s State of the Union speech?  According to a Rasmussen poll released today, Obama didn’t get a “good, solid B-plus” for honesty.  Only a fifth of respondents believed that Obama cut taxes for 95% of Americans, and even Democrats couldn’t believe the “two million jobs saved or created” fantasy:

The president in the speech declared that his administration has cut taxes for 95% of Americans. He even chided Republicans for not applauding on that point. However, just 21% of voters nationwide believe that taxes have been cut for 95% of Americans. Most (53%) say it has not happened, and 26% are not sure. Other polling shows that nearly half the nation’s voters expect their own taxes to go up during the Obama years.

The president also asserted that “after two years of recession, the economy is growing again.” Just 35% of voters believe that statement is true, while 50% say it is false.

Obama claimed that steps taken by his team are responsible for putting two million people to work “who would otherwise be unemployed.” Just 27% of voters say that statement is true. Fifty-one percent (51%) say it’s false. …

As for the claim about two million jobs, 46% of Democrats say it’s true, while 77% of Republicans say it’s not. As for those not affiliated with either major party, 24% say it’s true, and 59% say it’s false.

Hot Air » Blog Archive » Post-SOTU poll shows disbelief among most voters on Obama claims

Taxpayers pay $101,000 for Pelosi’s in-flight ‘food, booze’ and over $2 million in flights

January 30, 2010 Leave a comment

pelosi_drunk-on-power-242x300  This does explain alot.

It reads like a dream order for a wild frat party: Maker’s Mark whiskey, Courvoisier cognac, Johnny Walker Red scotch, Grey Goose vodka, E&J brandy, Bailey’s Irish Crème, Bacardi Light rum, Jim Beam whiskey, Beefeater gin, Dewars scotch, Bombay Sapphire gin, Jack Daniels whiskey … and Corona beer.

But that single receipt makes up just part of the more than $101,000 taxpayers paid for "in-flight services" – including food and liquor, for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s trips on Air Force jets over the last two years. That’s almost $1,000 per week.

Documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act by Judicial Watch, which investigates and prosecutes government corruption, show Pelosi incurred expenses of some $2.1 million for her use of Air Force jets for travel over that time.

"Speaker Pelosi has a history of wasting taxpayer funds with her boorish demands for military travel," Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said today. "And these documents suggest the Speaker’s congressional delegations are more about partying than anything else."

Pelosi, D-Calif., recently joined President Obama on a Judicial Watch list of Top 10 corrupt politicians because of her "sense of entitlement," the group said.

"Politicians believe laws and rules (even the U.S. Constitution) apply to the rest of us but not to them. Case in point: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her excessive and boorish demands for military travel. Judicial Watch obtained documents from the Pentagon in 2008 that suggest Pelosi has been treating the Air Force like her own personal airline," the evaluation said.

Taxpayers pay $101,000 for Pelosi’s in-flight ‘food, booze’

When Climate “Scientists” Deleted Emails It Was Illegal, But Won’t Be Prosecuted

January 30, 2010 Leave a comment

global warming is a hoax These guys deleted data so they wouldn’t have to make their fraud public, but are going scot free.  Why?  Because people like Obama are willing to look the other way and ignore scientific method which REQUIRES repeatability and peer review.

The Information Commissioner’s office in Great Britain has ruled that the East Anglia scientists who are at the heart of the global warming scandal acted illegally when they deleted emails rather than produce them in response to a Freedom of Information Act request. They will not be prosecuted, however, apparently because the law has a six-month statute of limitation

Power Line – Deletions Illegal, But Won’t Be Prosecuted

IPCC chief hid glacier information for months until AFTER Copenhagen.

January 30, 2010 1 comment

And don’t forget, Obama agreed to this fiasco and to hold us to this false agreement

Two weeks ago, the Times of London rocked the global-warming movement by revealing that one of their pet claims — that the Himalayan glaciers would disappear by 2035 — was not only based on nothing but speculation, but also lifted incorrectly by the IPCC.  The UN body has a bigger problem today, as the Times now reports that the head of the IPCC, Rajendra Pachauri, knew about the error for months, and never bothered to mention it at the Copenhagen summit:

The chairman of the leading climate change watchdog was informed that claims about melting Himalayan glaciers were false before the Copenhagen summit, The Times has learnt.

Rajendra Pachauri was told that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change assessment that the glaciers would disappear by 2035 was wrong, but he waited two months to correct it. He failed to act despite learning that the claim had been refuted by several leading glaciologists.

The IPCC’s report underpinned the proposals at Copenhagen for drastic cuts in global emissions.

Dr Pachauri, who played a leading role at the summit, corrected the error last week after coming under media pressure. He told The Times on January 22 that he had only known about the error for a few days. He said: “I became aware of this when it was reported in the media about ten days ago. Before that, it was really not made known. Nobody brought it to my attention. There were statements, but we never looked at this 2035 number.”

Asked whether he had deliberately kept silent about the error to avoid embarrassment at Copenhagen, he said: “That’s ridiculous. It never came to my attention before the Copenhagen summit. It wasn’t in the public sphere.”

However, a prominent science journalist said that he had asked Dr Pachauri about the 2035 error last November. Pallava Bagla, who writes for Science journal, said he had asked Dr Pachauri about the error. He said that Dr Pachauri had replied: “I don’t have anything to add on glaciers.”

Pachauri’s excuse?  The IPCC was “terribly occupied” with Copenhagen arrangements and couldn’t be bothered with issues like incorrect data in the reports they planned to present there

Hot Air » Blog Archive » IPCC chief hid glacier information for months

Obama: I Am Pissed You Disagree With Me. How Dare You Vote Against My “Centrist” Socialist Plans!

January 29, 2010 Leave a comment

You have to watch the video.  His annoyance and arrogance are amazing!

An angry Barack Obama met with House Republicans today at their retreat in Baltimore and attacked them for voting against his very radical and failed plans for restructuring America. To their credit not one single House Republican voted for the gigantic Stimulus Bill, the record Omnibus Bill, and the Son of Stimulus Bill. And, only 5 voted for the democrat’s business-busting cap-and-tax bill and only one voted for Obamacare. Today Obama let them know what he thought about their lack of support for his radical agenda.

Look at how ANGRY he is while speaking to the House Republicans:

He called his health care bill “centrist.” …They got a kick out of that.

Obama told the Republicans, “I am not an ideologue.”
The AP reported:

In a face-to-face encounter, President Barack Obama chastised Republican lawmakers Friday for opposing him on health care, economic stimulus and other major issues.

Republicans pushed back on taxes and spending, and accused Obama of not taking their ideas seriously.

Obama, attending the House Republicans’ retreat in Baltimore, began with conciliatory remarks but soon became more pointed. He said a GOP-driven “politics of no” was blocking action on bills that could help Americans obtain jobs and health care.

In a sometimes-barbed exchange, he said some in the audience have attended ribbon-cutting ceremonies for projects funded by the stimulus package they voted against. Obama also questioned why Republicans have overwhelmingly opposed his tax-cut policies, which he said have benefited 95 percent of American families.

“The notion that this was a radical package is just not true,” Obama said. “I am not an ideologue.”

Gateway Pundit

Michelle Malkin » California lawmakers pass single-payer…as state heads towards bankruptcy again

January 29, 2010 Leave a comment

How much do you want to bet that the reason they did this is because they think the federal government will bail them out and pay for their socialist care?

I noted the California Senate Appropriations Committee’s plans last week to push a single-payer program through the legislature.

Showing their impeccable timing, the progressives approved the bill in the Senate yesterday at a cost of $200 billion a year…just as the state controller announced that California is set to run out of cash again in April:

State Controller John Chiang issued a stern warning Friday about California’s cash reserves, telling legislative leaders and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger they must act on nearly $9 billion in budget cuts the governor is seeking by March — or the state will run out of cash to pay its bills.

Without making those cuts — which Chiang says will pump $1.3 billion into the state’s checking account — California would be broke by April 1, no fooling.

Michelle Malkin » California lawmakers pass single-payer…as state heads towards bankruptcy again

Statement from James O’Keefe – Big Government

January 29, 2010 Leave a comment

I think he covers it pretty well.  Looks like, once again, the MSM spread lies.

I have to say that I think there is more to this story on both sides.  This is not the final word on the whole thing.  We will see when it gets to court.

The government has now confirmed what has always been clear:  No one tried to wiretap or bug Senator Landrieu’s office.  Nor did we try to cut or shut down her phone lines.  Reports to this effect over the past 48 hours are inaccurate and false.

As an investigative journalist, my goal is to expose corruption and lack of concern for citizens by government and other institutions, as I did last year when our investigations revealed the massive corruption and fraud perpetrated by ACORN.  For decades, investigative journalists have used a variety of tactics to try to dig out and reveal the truth.

I learned from a number of sources that many of Senator Landrieu’s constituents were having trouble getting through to her office to tell her that they didn’t want her taking millions of federal dollars in exchange for her vote on the healthcare bill.  When asked about this, Senator Landrieu’s explanation was that, “Our lines have been jammed for weeks.”  I decided to investigate why a representative of the people would be out of touch with her constituents for “weeks” because her phones were broken.  In investigating this matter, we decided to visit Senator Landrieu’s district office – the people’s office – to ask the staff if their phones were working.

On reflection, I could have used a different approach to this investigation, particularly given the sensitivities that people understandably have about security in a federal building.  The sole intent of our investigation was to determine whether or not Senator Landrieu was purposely trying to avoid constituents who were calling to register their views to her as their Senator.  We video taped the entire visit, the government has those tapes, and I’m eager for them to be released because they refute the false claims being repeated by much of the mainstream media.

It has been amazing to witness the journalistic malpractice committed by many of the organizations covering this story.  MSNBC falsely claimed that I violated a non-existent “gag order.”  The Associated Press incorrectly reported that I “broke in” to an office which is open to the public.  The Washington Post has now had to print corrections in two stories on me.  And these are just a few examples of inaccurate and false reporting.  The public will judge whether reporters who can’t get their facts straight have the credibility to question my integrity as a journalist.

» Statement from James O’Keefe – Big Government